Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Ragweed is an extremely common type of weed found in almost every field in Ireland, especially noticed in Autumn when it turns a bright yellow colour. Depending on where you are in the country they are called many different names for instance in Limerick they are called Buchaláns and Geosadáns. These weeds are dangerous when cut, as in they become poisonous. While growing they are absolutely harmless, mostly because no animal will eat them anyway.

It was this small fact that Derek Davis failed to mention today on his afternoon show. He stated that the weeds are lethal to livestock, attacking their livers and causing a slow, painful death. He never mentioned that this only happens after the weeds are cut.

This caused absolute mayhem around the country. People were ringing up terrified that their whole livestock would be wiped out and concerned about their childrens lives aswell. This lasted two full hours, the callers becoming more anxious and terrified of this new found KILLER WEED! There was no mention that this weed has been around for thousands of years and somehow the animals were surviving.

One lady was so concerned about the effect of the weed that she was going to report her neighbour farmer to the animal welfare people. She rang in wondering if she should approach the farmer first in case that he didn't know how dangerous the weed can be. OH YOU STUPID CITY FOLK! I would pay money to see that lady "approach" her neighbour to voice her concerns.

So todays lesson is. RAGWEED IS ONLY DANGEROUS WHEN CUT, (and even then animals won't eat it. So repeat after me ONLY WHEN CUT!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hows triks! I must say I absolutly love your blog! Looking forward to hearing bout all your adventures!! Bet you cant wait! You gotta love irish mothers tho....where else would think of such fab pressies!! Gud luk & happy adventuring!! (",)

1:16 p.m.  

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